A fast, reliable way to treat health and mood

How the Methyl Scale™ predicts health and mood

The Methyl Scale™ is the revolutionary centerpiece to Somaticode's platform. We use a powerful combination of whole-system methylation and neurotransmitters to determine an individual's methyl supply for each stage of biological maturity. But unlike single-gene tests (e.g. MTHFR), this scale takes 15 major genetic and biologically systemic factors for the score alone, including the changes during each stage of biological maturity.

On this scale, -8.0 (methyl-depleted, undermethylation) is when an individual is not producing enough methyl for their mind and body to function properly, resulting in a range of symptoms. At the top end of the scale, +8.0 (methyl-overloaded, overmethylation) is when an individual is producing too much methyl, and comes with it's own set of symptoms. The ideal position, after a period of healing has taken place (6-12 months), is closer to 0 (methyl-balanced). When they methyl supply is balanced, people report feeling in control and more able to handle stress and daily challenges. It also ensures that dyresgulation in methyl supply isn't a contributing factor to long-term illness such as heart disease.

Diet, supplements, medication, activity, lifestyle, and other factors will change an individual's methyl supply (methylation level) throughout the day, but this baseline is what the body is trying to get back to after adjustments are made.

Reduce mood intensity

Why it's crucial

General methylation is a key indicator for subclinical mood intensity. (See methylation symptoms)

The power of the Methyl Scale™ is apparent in its simplicity to predict and alleviate the intensity of mood dysregulation (emotional, feeling, and mood disruptions). Using supplements (depending on the current methyl supply level)—Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin B3 (niacinamide/nicotinamide), Betaine (anhydrous), or SAMe—individuals can have better control over their day-to-day mood.

An individual can discover where they land on the Methyl Scale™, called their "methyl supply", through genetic analysis and with a real time measurement that you can get with the new Mood Sense test. When referencing the genetic predisposition for methylation levels, it's important to note that diet, activity, and other environmental factors will influence it. However, the body will constantly try to move back in the direction of their methyl level unless influenced.